Web Design

Website Redesign


Flash Animation

Logo Design

Graphics & Art Work

Web Site Maintainence

Stationary Design

Search Engine Optimization

Link Building


Flash Animation is an attractive and interactive tool on the web with Action Script Games it has gained a lot of popularity. Trained animation designers for creating lively and decent animation are what we have at EGI, to cater to a wide spectrum of the business world. We have the mastery over Flash Animation tools and given it is a new identity. We have used Flash tools to create videos with low file size to make it internet friendly.


Animation has given a new outlook to sites on the web and hence it has gained the vital position and requirement in increasing site traffic. So Websites emphasize on Flash animation for web promotion and CD presentation. Flash Animation has also application in projector displays on huge screens and displays at Exhibitions. Such projector displays become more effective with use of Flash Animation tools and Action scripting. Such use of Flash interactive animation tools is more attractive for users and others companies. Flash animation has been the most explored and most renowned way for company presentation. Companies promote flash animation for their websites because these are more effective than any other way of presentation.


CD Presentation

Whether as a CD Presentation, CD Business Card / Biz Card CD, or customizes cd with animations, anything you can just think or imagine. a website, audio, or even Flash animation in your custom CD presentation. We can also provide the sound enable system.